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Want to host a drive?

The holiday drive provides a unique opportunity for your company to give back to the community, creating a positive impact and fostering a spirit of generosity and unity during the holiday season. It’s a chance to not only support a worthwhile cause but also strengthen your company’s social responsibility and teamwork while making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

Here are 4 steps to get you started:

  1. Form your team and decide which items you want to donate (some ideas include: school supplies, toys, household items, (new) bras, and gift cards)

  2. Determine the goal and timeline and promote the drive within your company. Work with us on promotional materials including flyers, social media posts, newsletter stories and email templates. Invite us to speak and encourage your employees to give at the kick-off or at the completion to celebrate your team’s kindness.

  3. Engage employees, set up collection points, and communicate progress regularly with your colleagues.

  4. Let us know when we can expect your drop off at our offices in Hollywood!

About Aviva

For more than 108 years, Aviva believes every child and every family in our Los Angeles community deserves the chance for a brighter future. We provide compassionate support, therapeutic services, and guidance to at-risk children and families.

Our Clients, Our Communities

For Angeleno children and families whose needs are underestimated and unmet, Aviva provides the care they need. We help families and children (ages birth to 21), the overwhelming majority of whom come from homes well below the federal poverty level. Aviva provides mental health services, intensive community-based services, foster care and adoption programs and interim supportive housing for women and children.

Michelle Huerta

Ready to get your team involved in this opportunity to help others in our community?

Please contact:

Michelle Huerta
Family Resource Center Coordinator
C: 323-496-6845

A Big thank you to previous years donors!