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Aguilar Family of 2

Our story

Ana was homeless for a few years before she came to the Wallis house. Her landlord sold the property, and she lost her job. She was five months pregnant at the time when this unfortunate incident occurred. She eventually moved in with her mother-in-law for a while, but that caused a lot of friction in their relationship as Ana was currently seeking employment. A few months later, her mother-in-law moved to a new home, and she wasn’t allowed to move with her because she didn’t have any income. This resulted in Ana becoming homeless. She started finding refuge in shelters as she had a newborn baby. She felt helpless and feared losing her child. Through the help of a program, she was placed at Wallis House where she is provided that help she needs. She has a stable part time job, and her son is growing up in a very loving home. She hopes to soon find a home of her own.

Our family

  • Children:


    Name Age Gender
    Isreal 2 Boy
  • Adults:


    Name Age Gender
    Ana 32 Female

Our Wishlist

  • Children’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Elmo Potty New Stroller blender
  • Adult’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    target gift cards tablet baby carrier
  • Family’s wishlists

    Wishlist 1 Wisthlist 2 Wishlist 3
    Walmart gift card Amazon gift card laptop

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