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Altar Family of 3

Our story

Nayeli was in a domestic violent relationship for a few years. It was all she knew and she became scared to leave, as she had two children with this man. Nevertheless, with help from her mom and friend, she eventually left. Her mom took her in; however, her mother would soon move, and Nayeli did not plan on moving her entire life just yet. She decided to stay with one of her close friends a while, but this quickly became a problem and she felt unsafe in this neighborhood, with her being so young, alone, with two kids. She found help in shelters but was very ashamed. She felt as though she was not providing for her kids. Now that she arrived to Wallis House, she is working on finding a stable work and has looked into going back to school. She believes this will help her find more stability for her and her kids. She is very hopeful, and is glad to have found Wallis House.

Our family

  • Children:


    Name Age Gender
    Victor Jr. 2 Boy
    Eva 1 Girl
  • Adults:


    Name Age Gender
    Nayeli 23 Female

Our Wishlist

  • Children’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Target gift cards Amazon Gift Card Pampers size 2/6
    Car set Walmart gift cards Children Place
  • Adult’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Gas Card Children place gift cards Walmart Gift cards
  • Family’s wishlists

    Wishlist 1 Wisthlist 2 Wishlist 3

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