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Gomez Family of 3

Our story

G joined Aviva Family and children services to foster her grandchildren. G’s son (M and A’s father) was deported to Mexico when the children were young, and shortly after, both children were removed from their mother due to the mom’s mental health challenges. G complied with DCFS requirements and became a certified foster parent in order to adopt her grandchildren who were initially placed in a non-relative foster home. Despite all the difficulties G experienced with the children’s mother, G remained flexible with the mother to ensure that her grandchildren could maintain a bond with their mother through visits and through phone calls with their father. When G came to Aviva, her grandchildren were experiencing significant mental health problems and were doing poorly at school. G made sure that the children received the mental health services they needed to address their emotional/behavioral problems. I am happy to share that both children are now stable in the home of G. Although G is a loving and caring grandmother, she has limited support from relatives and a very limited income. G i very humble and never asks for much, but she is always grateful for any help she can get.

Our family

  • Children:


    Name Age Gender
    Aida 9 Girl
    Manny 12 Boy
  • Adults:


    Name Age Gender
    Guillermina 57 Female

Our Wishlist

  • Children’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Hello Kitty Dolls/toys leggings and pjs (size 10) chocolates/Nintendo gift card
    Clothes (joggers/sweats, and shirts size 12/14) Nintendo switch gift card hoodies size 12/14
  • Adult’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Movie theater tickets/gift card tennis size 7 shirts/sweaters (casual size L)
  • Family’s wishlists

    Wishlist 1 Wisthlist 2 Wishlist 3
    Blankets/bedsheets (twin and queen) Food gift card detergent/cleaning supplies

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