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Gordon Family of 7

Our story

Ruth G. is a relative caregiver through the Relative Support Services (RSS) program here at Aviva Family an Children Services. As a widowed mother of four, Ms. Gordon has struggled and has had to work very hard in order to make sure she is able to provide for her family. Despite her struggle, Ms. Gordon did not hesitate to take in her two twin nieces of two years old during the month of October 2023. Ms. Gordon’s oldest daughter is 25 years old who also lives in the home, has been a huge support for her and is also very much involved in taking care of the children when Ms. Gordon goes to work in the afternoons. The addition of Ms. Gordon’s two twin nieces to the home has not been an easy one due to the children’s traumas. However, both Ms. Gordon and her oldest daughter are optimistic and excited to celebrate this holiday season together as it will be the first one they get to spend together since the twins were placed.

Our family

  • Children:


    Name Age Gender
    Valerie Montelongo 2 Girl
    Scarlet Montelongo 2 Girl
    Katon Estrada 14 Boy
    Saher Estrada 15 Boy
    Lorely Estrada 17 Girl
  • Adults:


    Name Age Gender
    Ruth Godinez 47 Female
    Aremi E. 25 Female

Our Wishlist

  • Children’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Clothing ( size 24 months) Shoes (size 7 kids) Body lotion for sensitive skin
    Clothing (size 24 months) Shoes ( size 7 kids) Kids body spray with sparkles
    Visa gift card Shoes and socks (size 9 1/2 mens and quarter length black socks) Cologne
    XBOX One gift card Clothing/shoes/socks ( shoes size 10 mens and quarter length black socks, clothing Large) Skateboard
    Sephora gift card Clothing (size medium, hoodies large) Shoes (size 8 womens)
  • Adult’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Visa gift card Clothing (shirts large, jackets 1x, pants 14 curvy) Perfume (sweet smells)
    Visa gift card Clothing (shirts size xl, jackets size 2x, pants 22w) Shoes (size 10 womens)
  • Family’s wishlists

    Wishlist 1 Wisthlist 2 Wishlist 3
    Toaster oven Bed linens (4 twin, 1 queen) Food gift card
    Pots and pans Pillows (6) Toiletry items

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