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Hart Family of 2

Our story

The family was struggling with mental health issues and had no assistance from family. The mother was helpless and did not have anywhere to go. The mother was homeless on the streets with her two children. Unfortunately, with all the stress of moving from shelter to shelter, her eldest son felt more inclined to search for work at the age of 16. He did so to assist his mom, who was working very hard and relentlessly for him and his younger brother. Luckily, once he became a senior in high school, he applied to college and has moved near campus. Nevertheless, mother has to continue working hard to find a safe home for her young son who is only 2 years old. She finds stability here at Wallis House, and is very grateful for all the aid provided. She wants to rebuild her life and provide a brighter future for her son, one she could not give to her eldest son. This is one of her biggest regrets and has taken a lot for her to open up about.

Our family

  • Children:


    Name Age Gender
    Andrei Aghayan 2 Boy
  • Adults:


    Name Age Gender
    Anahi Hernandez Female

Our Wishlist

  • Children’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Toy truck Beanbag Clothing- 3 T Shoes- 3 T
  • Adult’s wishlists

    Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
    Amazon Gift Card Target Gift Card Walmart Gift Card
  • Family’s wishlists

    Wishlist 1 Wisthlist 2 Wishlist 3
    Baby Crib Play place child rug

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